
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
The North Macedonia All Stars
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
In this March & April episode the full suite of seven engage in an unexpected discussion comparing Warlord and GW's "Contrast"/ "Speed" paints that occasionally veers into actual proper wargaming podcast territory at times. Keeping with this unusual approach there is also a bit of a chat about 3D printing and the gentle wave of retirements washing across the traditional manufacturers and retailers in the historical space, and what that may mean for the hobby in the short and medium term.
Fortunately this proper content is more than counterbalanced by an episode of World of Wor-Wor-War Sports punditry and analysis as we are joined by Roy Keane, Micah Richards and Alan Hansen to try and predict the winners of the upcoming 15mm ADLG competition at Roll Call 2022. This segment starts around the 55 minute mark, in case you really don't want to hear us talking about painting, or indeed trying our hands at actual proper podcast-like stuff.
Finally, Andy's Quiz return with some answers from the distant past and a topical Russian Naval Disasters-themed set of questions for this week.
- Tamsin's Speedpaint Test Lab
- Roll Call 2022 Runners & Riders

Monday Mar 07, 2022
Badly Scripted Beer
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
The Ides of March are upon us, and so it must be time for Episode 5 of Series 2 of the Madaxeman Podcast.
This week a 6-handed episode sees extensive coverage of the Painting Challenge, discussion of competitions, restaurants and public houses of all flavours and dimensions in the pseudo-industrial brewing town of Burton Upon Trent, forward-planning of a kind rarely seen outside of a gold spray tan booth online booking system, an almost-ISITYAA discussion of Why DBA is the best ruleset ever written (and a simultaneous demonstration that we very clearly and absolutely don't script any of the rest of this podcast to boot) as well as the usual inane chat, observations about kitchen implement storage solutions, and links to pictures of Japanese soldiery of a 28mm variety.
There is also an episode of Andy's Quiz, including the answers to the last episodes questions (for those of you old enough to remember it).
- Tamsins Painting Challenge photos
- The Coopers Tavern, Burton

Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Alicante Ahoy!
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Another year, another brand new experiment as we unleash a multi-session podcast recorded "in the studio" in the UK (aka on Zoom), "in the field" abroad (aka in a bar in Spain), and "in the 1980's" (aka in a coffee shop back in London with overly loud music playing in the background) in which some of the regular crew initially preview, then discuss half way through, and finally review the recent L'Art de la Guerre competition held in Alicante in Spain in January 2022.
We are also joined by a number of special guests, and an even greater number of waitresses who all make a unwitting yet far more meaningful contribution than most of us can manage ourselves - especially after several bottles of red wine at lunchtime.
Heads-up - some of the audio is a bit murky, but you should be able to hear the clinking of wine and beer glasses clearly enough to get the gist of it, even in the bits when the words might get a little lost in the background hubbub.
This podcast accompanies the Alicante Battle Reports on Madaxeman.com.
- The Spanish music in this podcast is used under a creative commons license and is from the Watcha Clan. The original track can be found here.

Monday Dec 13, 2021
Christmas for Badgers
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Monday Dec 13, 2021
In what is likely to become this year's Christmas episode by dint of us almost certainly failing to find time to record another one in the next few weeks, the full Madaxeman podcast crew reconvene online to witter aimlessly about what they have been up to since the last podcast (which could be a description for almost any podcast on any subject come to think of it..)
As well as the usual painting chat, we unpick the piratey bones from the recent Brixham Devonian Classic ADLG competition, which saw 36 players gather for chips, beer, invigorating coastal walks and some incidental games of ADLG at the very site of the landing point of William of Orange on his way to claim the English crown, before going into the freezing details of the Warfare event held recently in Ascot.
Along the way there's a painting challenge, lots of cold-weather outdoor undercoating, several Samurai excursions, the Kingdom of Benin gets a mention, Perry plastics are yet again lauded to the heavens (Christmas is coming after all..), and a vaguely informed debate as to whether competitions actually have to be competitive to be enjoyable (spoiler alert, the answer is "no").
So, sit back, make sure to keep dipping your brush in the water pot rather than that glass of gently steaming mulled wine, and revel in listening to the 205th most popular hobby podcast in Finland right now !

Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Oim Spartacus!
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
Sunday Oct 31, 2021
After every hiatus comes a podcast, and this week is no different as the full Madaxeman podcast team return somewhat grudgingly from an extended break of actually playing games, going outside and doing proper things in the real world - or in Tamsin's case, making one helluva lot of trees and shaving a few towels in the process - and step up out of their basements, dust off their parchment rulesets and head to their microphones to share their lack of wargames wisdom...
The end result is a decidedly unscripted second (and first non-ADLG-specific) podcast of a new series, as we compare notes on painting and not painting, discuss how weird it is to go to a show again (SELWG), engage in a pretty piratey Andy's Quiz and see a welcome return for Micah Richards and the World of Wor-Wor-WarSports as we preview part of the upcoming Devonian Classic competition next weekend and try and predict the winners of the 25mm pool in a more random than random sort of way.
- Refurbished Medievals in 15mm
- Tamsin's SELWG Demo Games report
- Tamsin's Jungle Terrain
- The God's Own Scale Podcast Site

Saturday Oct 16, 2021
ADLGv4 List Building : The BHGS Teams 2021 - the top 6 lists
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Another tentative step back towards recording and publishing a regular podcast this autumn sees the usual list review team of me, Dave and Richard pore over the 6 lists used by the members of the top 2 placed teams from the recent BHGS Teams L'Art de la Guerre event held in London in September 2021.
The event was themed into 3 separate pools : Biblical, armies with Steppe terrain, and Sub Zero (pre 0AD) and so we have a very eclectic group of lists to share and discuss in this podcast: Hittites and Assyrians, Parthians and Abbasids, and Later Persians and Ptolemaic Successors.
The lists all are reproduced on the Madaxeman ADLG Wiki so you can read them at your leisure, or read along as you listen.
As usual this podcast is also being published on the Madaxeman YouTube Channel with pictures of some vaguely relevant figures and more importantly frequent appearances of all of the lists as well.

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
ISITYAA tackles The Problem With Paint (Summer - ahem - 2021 Bonus Episode #2)
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
After much promise and very little delivery, another lazily rehashed cut-and-paste job recycles an old episode of I'm Sorry I Think You're An Arse and plops it out into the audio-ether for your delight and tangible disappointment.
This segment was originally published at the start of 2021, probably when we were all working under some sort of lockdown scenario, and addresses head-on the vexed issue of whether modern gaming and modelling paint ranges have just gone too goddam far, and instead puts forward the entirely reasonable proposition that we should all simply go back to the halcyon days when the Humbrol range of enamels was the be all and end all of painting toy soldiers, and further expounds the theory that we would all be far happier if someone important just drew a big fat Gloss 208 Day-glo Green line under any further paint-based development shenanigans going forward.
As well as this recycling initiative, there are actually some other new podcast episodes in gestation - a list pod is in production as we speak, and there are mutterings and vague talk of restarting the full team pod in a few weeks as well, most probably with some World of War-War-War Sports punditry and predictions on upcoming tournaments.
But in the meantime, a bit like finding an open petrol station, then realising that it only has LPG in stock, this is about as good as it is going to get for this week I'm afraid ...

Friday Aug 06, 2021
ISITYAA tackles The Greying of the Hobby (Summer 2021 Bonus Episode #1)
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
As threatened, The Madaxeman Podcast returns to punctuate your summer with a lazily cobbled together series of repeats of our barely tongue in cheek I'm Sorry I Think You're an Arse feature.
This 30 minute snippet of Madaxeman Podcast is an ideal way to brighten your already sunny day (between showers), and this time around features an ISITYAA from way back in March of this year in which Adam takes on the vexed subject of why anyone who comes out with the hoary old line of "The Hobby is Greying, And we need to do something about it!" actually needs to get right back in their box (ideally quite quickly, as otherwise Adam may assist them in an overly proactive manner).
Look out for more ISITYAA repeats in the coming weeks!

Monday Jul 19, 2021
Episode 84 - With a Sharpened Spoon
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
This week the 84th episode of the Madaxeman Podcast marks a firebreak in the cavalcade of nonsense as we finally decide to take a bit of a break until the Autuumn Lockdown season hoves into view again - possibly in a couple of weeks at the current rate.
In this week's episode we push the boundaries of the wargaming/tropical arboriculture sub-genre to the max with an other extended session of In The Jungle with Tamsin, a smidgeon of painting gets done, the relative merits of the two key brands of non-local chip shops in the North of England are decided, the A1 roadside phenomenon is revived and marvelled at again, Adam has a good old rant about the nonsense of the Longbow in I'm Sorry I Think You're An Arse, many, many games are discussed - some of which are also tastefully censored to avoid giving away too much information to the enemy - and Andy's Quiz returns from the depths of Time with some Eboracum-themed answers, a new set of questions, and in a "we can't keep you waiting until September" splurge of generosity, you even get the answers to this week's questions after the closing credits.
We'll be back in the Autumn with this sort of nonsense, but watch out for one-offs and (possibly) some "Greatest Hits" special episodes (aka repeats of the funnier ISITYAA segments, shamelessly thrown out there as stand-alone podcasts) over the next few months of Summer 2021.
- Birdsong Audio from Squashy 555, used under Creative Commons license
- Trees, 'faarsands of 'em sir! on Tamsin's Blog

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
ADLG v4 List Building - Lists from The 3T's Event in York, June 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
In this Madaxeman Army List Podcast the regular team run the rule over 5 lists all of which featured at the recent 3T's ADLG v4 event held in York in June 2021.
The lists covered are Thracian and Late Roman, together with the top 3 placed lists, Bosporan, Parthian and Nobades.
This podcast is also available in video format on the Madaxeman YouTube Channel, and a series of 5 battle reports featuring the Thracians is online on Madaxeman.com
All of the lists are also on the ADLG Wiki