
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Alicante Ahoy!
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
In a new start to 2025, the first episode of the tentatively titled "Series 5" hits the airwaves as 4 brave podcasting gamers make the trip to the South of Spain in mid January to take in the Akra Leuka tournament at the upmarket Benidorm that is Alicante.
We also take in the Worlds Largest Collection of Model Tanks, the current state of play with which 15mm metal casting companies are currently closing down, whether "Paella" is actually just "Rice" with a different postcode, if a War Wagon collapses in the forest can a Swiss Pikeman hear it fall, if anyone has ever seen a bigger chorizo nugget, whether we are all now far too old to understand this 3D printing malarkey, and if double-carbs is the missing link between Glasgow and the entire Iberian peninsula.
The guests on this podcast are Dave "From The Podcast", Dave "Ming the Marxist" and Mark "The FWC Man".
The lists we all used in Alicante can be found on the Madaxeman ADLG Wiki.
- Marks Hungarians
- Tim & Daves Swiss
- Daves French Ordonnance
- My video of the Cartagena Military Museum

Sunday Aug 04, 2024
Melksham? Don't mind if I do!
Sunday Aug 04, 2024
Sunday Aug 04, 2024
A rare reappearance for the Madaxeman Podcast as a part new, part old crew heads down to the West Country for a bit of Hard Rock, a lot of beer, pubs and food, and eventually some rather eclectic analysis of a variety of unsuccesful army lists from the recent ADLG competitions held at the Attack! show in Devizes.
Join me, Dave from The Podcast, Another Dave (technically "the Dave formerly known as Pants"), Jason and Steve as we take you gently down Melksham Way.
(Apologies in advance for some of the audio - there are a lot of clicks and hisses in one section towards the start. It's been a while so our audio setup was even further away from being describable as "slick", and my editing was even more rusty than has been the case in any of the previous hundred+ amateurish episodes. It's a low bar I know... )
As usual:
- The lists we discuss are available on the Madaxeman website's ADLG Wiki
- The ADLG content starts about 22:45 in, so you can either start, or stop listening then as you choose
- There will be a video version of this on my YouTube channel
- The incidental sad violin music is (perhaps unsurprisngly) "Sad Violin 2", by TheFlyFishingFilmmaker , (License: Attribution 4.0)

Saturday Feb 03, 2024
Episode 100 - The Alicante Lists Podcast
Saturday Feb 03, 2024
Saturday Feb 03, 2024
Disproving the old adage that the best things in life are worth waiting for, the 100th episode of the Madaxeman Podcast thunders onto the airwaves with an epic, 6-handed special all the way from Spain, as myself, Dave From The Podcast & Aussie Simon are joined by Gordon, Revolutionary Dave and Mark to discuss and digest the lists we all used at the recent Alicante competition.
That means there is some sort of analysis of the Ancient Britons, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Mithradatics, Warring States Chinese and the countless hordes of Aztecs shoehorned in among some tourism discussions, culinary observations, and insightful exposition about the contents of Spanish motorway service station vending machines - plus the first ever advert break to ever feature on a Madaxeman Podcast!
This whole podcast is also available on the Madaxman YouTube channel where you can see pictures of the lists, some of the games and troops, as well as our tourism and eating exploits too.
The army lists can all be found in the ADLG Wiki on the Madaxeman Website

Monday Apr 24, 2023
Roll Call 2023 : The Top 5 Lists
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
It's been a while since we've done an ADLG Army List podcast, but with the recent Roll Call event throwing up some really interesting lists in a 15mm theme called The Roman Pond (armies and enemies of the Roman Republic & Empire that could have dipped their toes in the Med) it seemed like an ideal opportunity to delve back into the theory of list design yet again.
In this episode not only do we go through the lists of the top 5 placed 15mm players, we also have 2 of the top 5 in the Podcast "studio" (aka Zoom call) in the erudite shapes of Paul Dawson and Richard Case.
The lists we look at are all available on the Madaxeman website in the ADLG Wiki, and this pod is also available on YouTube with pictures of troops and the lists themselves too:
The list covered are:
Roman Clibanarii from Forged in Battle.

Friday Apr 14, 2023
The Normandy Landings
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Yes, a rare in-the-field podcast in which a team of 3 (me, Dave from the Podcast and Mike) storm the beaches of Normandy to visit Bayeux, Le Havre, several seaside gun positions, Pegasus Bridge, Rouen and Dieppe whilst also finding time to fit in a bit of Norman-themed ADLG competition action in between numerous bouts of eating, drinking, discussing former Fulham players of the last decade, and many other regionally appropriate activities.
As such, sound quality is a little sketchy in some parts of this podcast, mainly on account of the fact a number of the individual segments were recorded on my phone in (or outside) various bars and restaurants in the Normandy heartland.
The battle reports and tourism photos from this trip can all be found on the Madaxeman website and there is also a YouTube video version of this podcast which also includes all of the photos too.

Friday Apr 07, 2023
Le Herring Rouge!
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
The only wargames podcast to tell you all you ever wanted to know about waterfly larvae returns with a springtime Easter (Not All That) Special episode in which we execute the usual discursive tour through a multitude of topics, asking all of the key questions including;
- Just how much are plastic figures nowadays?
- Who makes the best Byzantines and why is it Aventine?
- Are two packets enough to count as a new range?
- Salute! Where to go, How to get there, What to buy, and most important When to roll up at the door
There's also a taster for the French Competition special edition Podcast coming soon, lots of chat about gaming in the Roman Pond, a 3 month-long 3D printing odessey, the return of the wooden horse, tourism in Caen Castle, the lack of updates for the audio guide to the Bayeux Tapestry, a chat about whether Cataphract Camels can restore your mojo, and we also find out what exactly happened when Don Juan, Admiral Nelson, and Octavia walked into a bar.
As usual, some of the stuff we talk about can also be found on:

Friday Mar 03, 2023
The Idlers of March
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
After a lengthy hiatus almost all of the podcast team return for a daffodil-sprouting episode at the very start of March 2023.
Despite the absence of any badger-related content, we do manage to cover shopping expeditions (online and in real life), take a diversion into discussing the merits of Siocast/Warlord Resin/"I Can't believe It's Not Called Airfix" plastic figures, get into a bit of Spartacan slap-chop via an azimuth spray disaster, go all Judge Dredd, barely mention cricket nets, explain to Adam what he's been missing all this time as a sidebar to the great "Amos vs Drummer - Who's The Expanse's Greatest Ever Character (and why it's obviously Drummer)" debate, talk about castles in Spain and why the second most successful Berber invasion of the Iberian Peninsula landed in Valencia instead of Alicante, have a peek at Andy's trophy haul and (eventually) learn how he ended up out of pocket after accidentally buying his own birthday presents from his wife.
And there's a return for Andy's Quiz, with a brand new Two Ronnies-style twist this week as we accidentally give you the answers to the questions from the episode before last.
As usual the stuff we talk about can be seen here:
- Tamsin's Blog
- Spartacus Painted
- Xativa Castle
- Sonic Sledgehammer's YouTube Channel (yep, that's who we meant!)

Monday Nov 21, 2022
Les Petits Tanks dans La Bouche Du Bourne
Monday Nov 21, 2022
Monday Nov 21, 2022
After a few weeks which went past in the flash of an eye, a full 7-handed (well, technically 14-handed) team return for more witless chatter and half-hearted attempts at analysis and insight in this tightly wound 90 minute post-Warfare episode.
We cover the usual mix of painting and gaming and this week also have a "show special" shopping discussion as face to face retail activity takes place at two different shows. The bulging bags include many bits of plastic, a shout-out to a drybrush, much inevitable love for Leon and Pendraken, the smell of MDF in the morning, and a startling discovery that Heroics and Ros do in fact have an up-market French perfume retail business operating on the side.
We also have a look-back at Tamsin's PLA (not "resin"!) printing experiment as a handful of us actually get around to de-supportifying and then painting the little plastic-ish blighters as a show and share experiment for the benefit of the wider gaming community.
Medieval Marginalia also gets a rare but potentially recurrent mention, idiot-proof army lists are debated, and we even find time to talk about playing games before Andy's Quiz once again hoves into full-colour view with a discursive argument about whether being "detained by the Ottoman Sultans" is a legitimate euphemism for deployment pre-watershed before we end with an unexpected plug for the South West's Best AC/DC Tribute Act.
3D printed Gaul painted by Tamsin
3D printed Greeks painted by Tim
3D Gaul painted by Andy

Friday Oct 07, 2022
Series 3 Opener : Huge Grenadier Hat Malarkey
Friday Oct 07, 2022
Friday Oct 07, 2022
After a barren 5 month interregnum a mathematical majority of the Madaxeman Podcast crew stumble grudgingly back onto the airwaves with a near-2-hour episode to kickstart the 3rd series.
Any semblance of order, structure and giving the impression of planning is almost instantly thrown out of the window as we immediately go off tangent in a fascinating discussion around the origin (and ending) of the entire concept of a Grenadier, before we swerve decisively into some surprisingly well informed opinions about 3D printing, consider whether the long time coming Dire Straits revival will include a remixed Europop single called "Gaming by the Pool", have a vote to decide if the 1980's RPG "Traveller" ever really existed in our stub, try to guess who won the 1936 Eurovision Song Contest, witter on about Contrast paints (again..), and then give a look back to Britcon and a heads-up to the SELWG show.
Of course, Andy's quiz also returns from the mists of time with something equally and typically topical too, aided and abetted by its timeless theme music.
Tamsin's 3D printer we discuss at some length is an Anycubic Kobra, but I've been asked to flag up that it's not necessarily a good one for a beginner - Tamsin instead suggests the Elegoo Neptune 3, or the Anycubic Vyper if you have a bit more bench space available. For both of those she'd recommend replacing the PTFE tubing they come with with Capricorn PTFE tubing (affilate links to Amazon).
The pictures of some of the stuff we talked about is also online here:

Thursday May 12, 2022
Oh My Aachen Nuts!
Thursday May 12, 2022
Thursday May 12, 2022
A decidedly Carry On-flavoured episode title hides within it a pun-tastic "five-handed" episode this month/week, as we take you on a road trip the like of which has not been seen since the Blues Brothers set off for Chicago with half a tank of gas, two packets of cigarettes and their still-iconic-now Ray-Ban sunglasses all those years ago.
Our journey however thankfully avoids Dave and I duetting with Aretha Franklin and instead takes us through two world wars, a lot of stained glass, several centuries of Frederick Barbarossa's wedding gifting lists, 2 Sherman tanks, a castle on two rivers big enough to hold the entire Walloonian army (and then some), and some totally NUTS Belgian beer that you are served in, and have to drink from a ceramic WW2 US Paratroopers helmet (guess where folks...!).
Then, eventually and somewhat grudgingly we break from the travelogue to discuss playing ADLG in a castle on the Rhine at the recent Braubach tournament, then go on to cover Roll Call, the upcoming ADLG Worlds, go super-deep with some chubby printed 6-10-15mm Etruscans, build lamp-posts for Mega City One, cover ourselves in feathers as we don some Eagle Warrior Onesies with the Aztecs, and of course end by hitting up a Eurovsion-themed version of Andy's Quiz.
There is also a bit of a gauntlet-laying-down challenge for all of our listener(s) this week. Let's just say that if any of you believe that you have been for a beer in in the ropiest bar in Belgium, well, I'm afraid we have some news for you...